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power tariff: kochi shops beat high power tariff with led lights | kochi news - times of india

by:Demo     2020-09-01
Gao Zhi: rising electricity bills seem to force many of the city\'s leading business organizations to choose energy
Efficient, green technology.
Electric lights are being installed by jewelers, textile showroom, hotels and resorts to reduce electricity chargesLEDs (LED)
Lamp instead of CFL lamp.
Many companies are even beginning to benefit from LED lights.
According to director Francis Alukkas, using LED lights in their showroom has cut their electricity bill by half.
\"The electricity bill for our Kochi showroom has come down from Rs 2. 5 lakh to Rs 1. 25 lakh.
\"We have LED lights installed in almost all of our stores,\" he said . \".
In stores and showrooms in the city, CFL-
Spotlight and wall based
Washing machine is being replaced quickly by LED type.
Another advantage of these lamps is that they consume not only less power but also less heat than CFL lamps.
In the textile showroom, it increases the shelf life of the usually heated silk garmentsensitive.
Raseel M, director of Aluva-said: \"This also reduces the power consumption of the air conditioner installed in the showroom
Headquartered in Unirans technology Private Limited.
Companies that purchase, distribute and install LED lights have a long list of customers, including major jewellery companies such as Francis Alukkas, Joy Alukkas, and textile companies such as Seematti and Seemas
However, the high cost of these LED lights seems to have prevented many institutions in the city from choosing the technology.
Distributors of these lights attribute the high cost to the main components of these lights-
LED chip and optical sensor
Imports from the United States, Japan and South Korea.
Abdul Majid, regional manager, India, 3 s, Canada India branch-
International-based 3s noted that although the price of the technology is high, if installed, users can recover the amount invested within three years by reducing their electricity bills.
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