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plane in a globe - hacking a pir sensor to do your bidding

by:Demo     2020-08-20
Parts List 1.
3v deceleration motor.
You can get these here.
15 revolutions per minute. nice and slow. 2. 2 X 5mm LED\'s.
I use yellow.
They can buy in onEbay 3.
Plastic diffuser for LED.
I used some from a set of solar LED.
You don\'t need to do this, but it will make the LED LED Light module softer. 4.
A small piece of Dowel wood. 5.
PIR sensor LED Light module-
You can buy these here. PIR sensor (Just sensors).
Buy these here. Copper wire -
I used 2, 1 thin, 1 thick.
These can be purchased from your local hobby store. 8.
Various color wires 9.
Various brass accessories.
I purchased these from my loacl hardware store. 10.
A small amount of square wood was prepared for base 11.
Battery stand.
The voltage I use is 7.
5v so I used 3v and 4.
5v battery stand.
These can be purchased from your local electronics store. Tiny plane!
I used this tool.
Cross screwdriver 2. Hot glue 3.
Soldering iron 4. Dremmel 5. Drill 6. PliersSteps:1.
First of all, you need to cut off the LED.
Make sure you cut them off at the top and let the wires reach out to the top. 2.
Add battery leads.
Make sure the polarity is correct.
Weld the wire to 3 of the LED leg.
These will be connected to your motor and LED.
If you just want the sensor to activate something like a motor, then you just need to add 1 set of wires to any LED leg. 4.
Then cut off the PIR sensor-BE CAREFUL! 5.
Weld the wires to the legs of the PIR for be6.
Weld the new PIR sensor to the wire to make sure the sensor is on properly.
If it is also possible to weld on the PIR sensor you cut off.
Just make sure there are some wires left on the PIR sensor. 7.
Welding on the motor. Note: Test -
The motor should be turned on for a minute and then off.
If you move in front of the sensor, the motor should restart.
If not, you might be connected.
There\'s another problem.
Check everything and try again.
The next step is to make changes to the original case so you can put the board back where it was not neededup much room.
This will enable you to use the on/off switch on the PIR sensor and protect the board step: 1.
Use dremmel to cut the sides. 2.
Screw back the circuit board. 3.
Pass the wire through the LED hole. Done!
Now you can use the sensor on anything you like.
Now that you have your sensor ready, the next step is to put it in something.
Making a Globe has a lot of information about how to pull out the Globe\'s interior.
If you need more instructions
Deeper than below-take a look at this from TeamDroid.
My only suggestion is to buy an old-fashioned filament globe instead of a halogen lamp because it\'s hard to do.
The Globe in the photo is halogen, which surprised me when I tried to get the inside out. Steps: 1.
First remove the small piece of metal at the bottom of the globe.
Pliers usually get this off. 2.
Then use the needle nose clamp to break the black glass on the bottom and remove 3.
Inside the globe you will see a glass tube, break it and push the screwdriver into the hole.
This will separate the glass tube from the globe. 4.
Next, you need to make the hole bigger-this is a dangerous zone!
It\'s very easy to break the globe, so take the time to remove some pieces from the glass with a needle nose clamp.
One trick is to trim some tin from the bayonet-so you can make the hole a bit bigger, which will help remove the glass. 5.
If there is a white icing on the globe, remove it with some salt.
Tip-put the globe in a rag so it won\'t cut you open if it\'s broken.
Hopefully now you have a hollow globeNow and you need to post something on your Earth.
I decided below. Steps:Motor 1.
Weld 2 pieces of copper to the motor leg.
Make sure they are straight. 2.
Next, bend a thin piece of copper as shown in the figure and weld it on the motor. 3.
Glue the small plane to the other end of the thin copper. LED’s 1.
Bend 4 thin copper as shown in the following figure. 2.
Weld the curved end to the LED to make sure everything is straight. 3.
Add the diffuser to the end of the LED.
To make sure everything is inside the Earth, you need to make some kind of stand that copper wire can pass through.
I decided to make a good pile.
Make this piece of wood in shape so that it can be tightly placed at the bottom of the globe. Mark-
Where the hole is drilled on the pin.
Initially I cut a small piece to use, but decided to put all my shaping and drilling on a large piece and I cut it later. 3. DrillSteps: 1.
Carefully place the plane and LED inside the Earth.
Pass the other end of the copper wire through the pin. 3.
Push the pin into the end of the Earth. 4.
Straighten everything inside and stick everything in place with hot glue. 5.
Cut off the excess copper wire and connect some wires.
It\'s also good to add some heat shrinkage.
The wires shown in the picture below, I decided not to use.
Instead, I used some twisted wires pulled down from my old computer.
Now you should have a globe with an airplane and two LEDs-who will think of it!
At first I went with the blue LED but I thought it looked too cold and I went and bought some yellow ones.
You can see in some pictures, sometimes there will be blue, sometimes there will be yellow.
If you want to do this, make sure you decide what color you want first, as this is the pain of ar & try to change them.
I decided to use some brass pipe fittings for the stall. Steps: 1.
Find some accessories for the end of the globe.
It depends on how you want it to look.
I just went to my local hardware store and found some accessories that I thought looked a bit like a LED Light module outlet. 2.
Weld a brass tube to the fitting. 3.
Weld more accessories at the end.
The end fittings are there so you can screw them to the end of the seat.
What is the basis really depends on you.
I found a copper pot in a triad shop. Finally-
The last step is wiring-
Each step: 1.
Connect the wire from the globe through the copper tube to the base.
Screw together as shown in the figure. 1.
Connect the wire on the sensor to the wire on the globe to make sure the polarity is correct. 2.
Drill holes on the base and add the PIR sensor.
Put hot glue into 5.
Weld or glue the globe on brass fittings.
I managed to screw my screws in a fair way and screw down the line of the coppers fitting. 3.
Add battery. 4. Test. That’s it!
You should have a neat look on the Earth . . . . . . Plane? Set-
It\'s in a place with walking traffic and looks like it\'s come to life.
Thank you for checking and let me know if you have any questions.
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