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philips introduces 20-year led lightbulb that won top doe \'l-prize\'

by:Demo     2020-08-12
Philips, the Dutch electronics giant, announced the awardwinning 20-
LED bulbs to the United StatesS.
Market on Sunday and work with suppliers to cut 10-
According to The Associated Press, the current price of watt bulbs is $50, only half in the next year.
The bulb made its first public appearance after years of development and won last year\'s \"Bright Tomorrow Lighting Award\"S.
Doe develops alternative lighting sources.
One of the rules of the competition is that the bulbs are sold for $22 or less in the first year of the listing.
But even so, LED lights face fierce competition from a $1 incandescent lamp and CFLs. compact-
Fluorescent bulb)
According to treehuger, the company usually retails for about $5, which can last for 10,000 hours.
Philips says the cost of LED lights can easily be offset by savings: If consumers use 4 hours a day, they can save $8 a year on electricity bills, according to The Associated Press, in the life of the bulb, it will cost about $160.
LED bulbs are less toxic to the environment because they do not contain mercury vapor.
In a press release earlier this year, the company said, \"If every 60-
Watt incandescent lamps in the United StatesS.
Replaced with 10-
Watt L award winner, the country will save about 35 too Watts-
Electricity for an hour or $3.
Reduce carbon emissions by 9 billion and 20 million metric tons in a year.
\"The shift from incandescent to energy --
As a result of legislation such as the seventh energy independence and safety law, energy conservation alternatives are already in progress, which prohibits 100-
Watt incandescent lamps, and provide a schedule to completely eliminate LED Light module bulbs with less power.
Starting at 2014, the United States will ban all incandescent lamps that use 40 watts or more of electricity. S.
According to The Washington Post.
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