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not a bright scene for led bulbs, signage traders

by:Demo     2020-08-17
US-based trader Abhijit Bose trades on the core products of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi\'s national planbased lighting.
Business should flourish,
Bose is worrying about its monthly balance sheet. Mr.
Satyam Techno\'s Bose, which operates wholesale and retail LED lights and signboards, has seen the number of customers drop by 80 since the cancellation of sales was announced in November 8.
The resulting shortage of cash made him difficult.
Bose sells existing stock or purchases new products.
Logistics such as packaging and transportation involve cash, he said.
Bose added that he was even trying to pay his employees.
Workers do not have a bank account \"a large part of the LED lighting business depends on an unorganized department that relies on cash transactions.
When I wait to receive cash payments due to me from dealers in other states, those involved in mailing
\"The manufacturing logistics of existing stock refuses to accept any other form of payment other than cash,\" he said . \".
\"On the other hand, only two of my 16 employees have bank accounts and their wages can be paid to them.
So while figuring out how to pay for logistics, I \'ve been helping the kids open bank accounts ,\"Bose said. The 49-year-
Old businessman said point of sale (POS)
Due to the sudden surge in demand for machines, it is not easy to purchase machines from banks. Mr.
Modi called the LED bulb \"Prakash Path [way to LED Light module]
\"In last January, an LED bulb allocation plan under the\" domestic efficient lighting program \"was launched in Delhi.
But for people like Mr. , the situation is not optimistic. Bose.
While he thinks the intent and logic behind the Prime Minister\'s move is \"very good,\" he thinks
Bose believes that the shortage of cash has paralyzed the market and it may take a long time to recover. Mr.
If he could break even this month, Bose said, he would think he was lucky and a few more would come.
\"Due to insufficient demand, I believe I can only break even this time and may continue to do so in the next six months.
In the meantime, I am waiting for a POS machine and I have applied for it a week ago, \"he said.
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