led lights – the next generation technology
LED lighting has the advantages of low power consumption, long durability, no signs of harmful mercury, and low maintenance costs.It is also considered a fast-moving lighting technology that offers better light quality compared to incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps and CFL blubs.With the change of time and the need of time, led around the world is replacing traditional lighting to cope with the challenge of global warming.
These cost-Effective lighting has a great impact on energy sources, and can also reduce carbon emissions to a large extent.After review, LED bulbs, tubes and other related products convert approximately electric energy into light energy.According to the study, it is said that the use of LED bulbsby 348 in the United States can save about 2027 TWh of electricity.
Similarly, according to the data, after the Indian government installed LED lights in the South Street District of New Delhi, it now saves 7000 energy units per month after launching the domestic high efficiency lighting program (DELP, the Indian government aims to save 73 lakh units of energy per day.To make this plan a success, the Indian government has distributed two crore-subsidized LED bulbs in the country and hopes to distribute 77 crore bulbs by 2018.These facts are enough to show the benefits of using LED products in terms of energy saving and money saving.
People can use LED products in their homes, offices and shops to help them save a lot of electricity.These lamps can also be used for street lighting, as it has a better quality of LED Light module (360 degree of light) compared to traditional lights ).Led products with Energy Star ratings also use 70 to 80 less energy than any other traditional light and last 25 times longer.
The LED LED Light module does not contain harmful mercury and does not attract insects, which is very beneficial to health.Today, the business of LED products is growing rapidly. the manufacture of these lights brings a variety of LED products in the market.
LED room lights, street lights, decorative lights for Diwali, T5 and LED T8 tubes, flexible LED lighting and LED car lights.People can also increase the appeal of their home by using decorative room LED lights.The industry of LED bulbs is growing and, thanks to its durability, energy efficiency and better climate impact, it will soon replace fluorescent and CFL bulbs around the world.
LED lights are one of the best green initiatives in the world today when facing global warming.Therefore, the adoption of the latest LED lighting technology over time can not only save electricity, but also make the environment healthy
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