LED or LEDs, as the name suggests, are diodes, a semiconductor that allows one-way flow of current.It is well known that LEDs last a long time and they are often misused for the same reason.In fact, LED lighting is a separate set of units.When some of these units produce
LED Light module, others produce LED Light module of different wavelengths.Get the right combination and provide the required shades under any settings.LED lighting has gained great popularity over traditional lighting due to its high level of energy efficiency and many other advantages.Incandescent lamps use 98% of their energy as heat, while LED light bulbs are cool.In these lighting, heat is not lost as energy, thus saving a lot of energy.Another major advantage of LED lights is the long service life.Although the design of incandescent lamps lasts up to 1,000 hours, the duration of the LED light can range from 50,000 hours to 100,000 hours.Even fluorescent bulbs can only be used for up to 10,000 hours.The durability of the LED lights comes from the fact that they do not contain any fragile filaments and do not have any delicate tubes to handle.In addition, they have strong resistance to heat, cold and shock.There are some famous LED light manufacturers that guarantee a higher lumen/watt ratio.LED lights generate an average of 55 lumens per watt.Although this is similar to fluorescent bulbs, incandescent lamps are far behind, with only 15 lumens per watt.Industry experts believe the technology will be launched soon to increase this percentage to 130 lumens.Another major advantage of LED lighting is that it is compatible with most systems.Easily replace models of incandescent and halogen lamps.There are some popular models under the cabinets for indirect lighting for restaurants, hotels, kitchens and other work spaces.LED bulbs can also be used for special occasions such as Christmas and New Year decorations.The cost of LED bulbs varies by brand, wattage and type.They are definitely more expensive than others, but because they have many unique advantages over other types of lighting, they offer real value for money.
The increasing consumption demand in key segments such as dob led pcb, led pcb module and led light engine have been driving the sales of and its derivatives worldwide.
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