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How to use the empty point function of the LED electronic display software

by:Demo     2021-07-03

1. First determine the number of module snapshots

Observe the number of ICs and pixels in a set of data of the module, and then use the following formula to calculate:

The number of empty points per sweep u003d the number of ICs * the number of IC output pins / the number of lights per pixel-the actual pixel points / scanning method

The number of lights per pixel is 3 for full-color real pixels and 4 for virtual full-color.

For example, a full-color real pixel module with 30X16, 4 scans and 1 set of data, the driver IC is MBI5024 (16 output pins), the number of ICs is 24, and the calculation is as follows:

24*16/3-480/4u003d8, the number of points per sweep is 8

2. Software settings

①Open the software, enter the control screen-screen management-configure the selected screen parameters, select the smart setting button, the following dialog box will appear hello LED display software empty point function method of use Regulated power supply, switch, LED display, software technology forum

②Choose the empty point setting, enter the empty point setting window, enter the number of empty points per sweep as follows: helloLED display software empty point function method of use Regulated power supply, switch, LED display, software technology forum

③Empty button

Other smart setting wizards can be set as normal. When the smart setting wizard 7 is reached, press the normal trace. If there is no flash on the screen, click the empty dot button on the software until a flash appears on the screen and then press normal Follow the situation to trace the points and proceed in sequence until the trace is completed.

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