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how to throw away light bulbs | ehow

by:Demo     2020-09-09
When an incandescent lamp or a compact fluorescent bulb goes out, the easy thing to do is not hesitate to throw it into the trash can.Although it\'s not a big deal.-From an environmental perspective-When you throw an incandescent lamp, a broken CFL can be a dangerous thing because it releases mercury once it is broken.Due to the danger of glass breakage or mercury release, it is important to take precautions when dealing with any type of bulb.
Keep the bulb as close to the base as possible to avoid breakage and turn counter-clockwise to loosen the bulb.Pack old bulbs with old newspapers or other materials, which will help prevent them from breaking and confusing.Put the packaged bulb into the waste paper basket for processing.
Contact the local municipal solid waste agency to ask if it is allowed to put broken or used CFLs into garbage for collection.This option is not allowed by some agencies, only recycling is allowed.Place the CFL in a plastic bag with a seal or in a small plastic grocery or garbage bag.
Make sure to remove all the excess air from the bag and seal it or tie it up.Place the sealed or bundled bag in another plastic bag and seal or bundle it.CFL is double now.bagged.Put the bag in the waste container for pickup.
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