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How to deal with the 'discoloration' situation in the later use of the LED display

by:Demo     2021-07-14
How to deal with the 'discoloration' of LED display after use? Shenzhen Liansen Optoelectronics led display manufacturers summarized the following solutions:

1. To do a good job in the heat dissipation of the LED display, we must consider the heat dissipation problem of the LED display when designing the project. Allenson Optoelectronics fully considers the color difference of the LED display due to poor heat dissipation from the design. problem.

2. Prepare the phosphor glue cake first, and then paste the glue cake on the surface of the chip by pasting method to realize LED packaging

3. When purchasing phosphors, we must choose famous brands, and we must make samples for many times before mass production.

4. AB glue is cured and demoulded at 120-130°C/30-40 minutes, and it will turn yellow if it exceeds 150°C or is baked for a long time.

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