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how to create amazing videos for your small business

by:Demo     2020-07-31
An interesting statistic about sales and videos is that 64 consumers are more likely to buy products after watching videos about products.
Recently, I was lucky to speak to Sean Collins, content creator of Gradus Group, and Matthew Hill, marketing director of Gradus Group.
Last week, I wrote the first article on \"video for small businesses\" in this series, and I discussed why video is the key to a successful marketing strategy.
An interesting statistic about sales and videos is that 64 consumers are more likely to buy products after watching videos about products.
Recently, I was lucky to speak to Sean Collins, content creator of Gradus Group, and Matthew Hill, marketing director of Gradus Group.
Sean and Matthew shared their knowledge about the key devices to start shooting videos.
What is the basic setting (equipment)
For shooting great videos with most things, there is a broad answer and then a more subtle truth.
Every job in the video/film field requires a different tool (
And combination).
In general, you always want a great camera, sharp lenses, reliable storage/recordable media, controlled lighting and high quality sound.
A common kit may be a DSLR or mirrorless camera mounted on a fluid
Head tripod, attached to the shotgun microphone and through the standard 3-point setup.
As many of your small businesses will experience, the cost of equipment actually increases when producing a lot of content.
To fix this, I approached the studio monitor video with a lean and economical game plan.
I shoot in a small space.
One of our meeting rooms)
So I can get a lot of what I learned is just two 300
I have a light, the camera is right, pointing to me from a 45 ° angle from the impact brand light holder.
There was another light panel behind me, the camera left and just got out of the box.
This was lifted by an impact multi-arm Light Holder, pointing to my back, creating some visual separation between subjects (me)and the wall.
LED lights like Genaray SpectroLED are light in weight and can be powered by batteries and not hot to touch.
This makes them ideal for quick installation, flexible and easy to pack.
In theory, you can get more light by taking a high point for less money
But since I didn\'t have lighting in the parking lot, I found it much easier to use the LED.
The camera is mounted to a Magnus VT-4000 fluid-
Head tripod for stable and easy frame.
The sound was captured through the Senal MS.
77 shotgun SLR microphone.
This was hung over my head by an Auray booming microphone holder that just went out of the frame, the camera was correct and connected to my gh4 3.
5mm microphone input with pilstone 25\' extension cable.
As I mentioned earlier, what type of options are available in the basic settings that can be illuminated using tungsten or LED depending on the project.
If you need to light up a big space with a tight budget, the former may be your way out.
The downside is that the lights are very fragile and become very hot and can cause serious burns if not handled properly.
They also need constant power and, in most cases, a dedicated generator is needed.
On the other hand, the movement and transportation of LEDs is much easier because they weigh significantly less than their Fresnel counterparts and can be operated with a battery or AC power supply.
As LED is still considered a relatively new technology, some major products are slow to accept them (
This will change)
But finding them in smaller places is priceless. scale shoots.
It is almost certain that small business owners should invest in LED lights.
This Genaray SpectroLED kit will be a great start.
Great in the middle.
Grounding between tungsten and LED in fluorescent lighting. Impact\'s line-
It\'s worth a look.
Camera monitors will be selected according to various standards.
Resolution, size, weight, and software tools will all play a role in the determinants.
For example, the resolution of one monitor may be 720 p, while the resolution of the other monitor is 1080 p.
For statistical analysis of images, one may have a vector range.
You also need to consider whether you need a monitor that can be used as a recorder.
For most small businesses, the cost may be heavier than most other specifications.
For this reason, I recommend something that is cheap and versatile.
Elvid field vision 7 \"is a good solution.
How to use each project (
Or tips on how to practice with each device)
Spend time researching online.
There are a lot of great videos from experienced operators on YouTube that do a great job teaching how to use their respective devices to get the best results.
Don\'t be afraid to make mistakes (
Hope during practice/rehearsal)
Find something useful to you
One of my colleagues is a professional photographer who teaches lighting workshops.
He always guides his students to learn the \"rules\" and then finds ways to break the rules and get them to do the best work.
Why is it important for each project that is basically set up for video shooting (
For small businesses)
It\'s important for small businesses to use good gear, because as people often say, you only have one chance to make a first impression.
Decades of video digestion has brought expectations to consumers professionally.
Stingy with the quality of the video, potential buyers may think it is a performance of inferior goods or plain services.
You\'ll want a powerful camera to reproduce the color as accurately as possible and capture a wide dynamic range.
This helps create rich images that people want to spend their time focusing on.
Great glass. or lenses)
Will make sure your theme is clear and clear.
Reliable Storage/recordable media is very important because as a small business, you may not have a one-time budget to consider wasted shooting time, or shooting time that is not taken due to memory card failure or hard disk failure
Decided to drive to the belly-up. Having a field-
The monitor helps you (
Or your director of photography)
Make sure that what happens in the framework is exactly the same as you expected.
In the sound, you can\'t mix up what you can\'t hear.
So is the video.
If you don\'t see what\'s going on, you won\'t be able to make a visual decision.
The main benefit for small business filmmakers will be to attract focus and share live streaming
Preview with talent/decision maker.
Lighting is essential to tell your story.
It can create emotions and inform the tone of the audience.
More realistically, it allows viewers to see all the other hard work in the framework.
You will want to be able to generate enough light to make noise.
Free images, then shape the light in the modifier to create style and artistic expression.
Although quality sounds are often overlooked, quality sounds can be the most critical of all elements for small businesses/first time creators.
Research has been done and is present online, where sloppy/degraded videos can be tolerated as long as the sound is reliable.
This is not the case.
Have a beautiful image but your voice is distorted, echoed or inconsistent and no one will look at it.
Invest in learning how to capture good sound and get the tools to do so.
Thank you to your customers!
Please keep an eye on the next issue of my blog series.
I will discuss the sound equipment you need to make an effective video and the best tips on how to get started!
I love all these helpful video tips that I use when I continue to work on blogs and small businesses.
Your advice is always welcome as I continue my life journey and enjoy life to the fullest.
Let\'s have the best 2016!
Visit Sasha daily lazad.
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