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how much can you save with led lighting?how much can you save with led lighting?how much can you save with led lighting?

by:Demo     2020-08-12
LED lighting has an obvious advantage over conventional incandescent lamps, metal halogen lamps and high-pressure sodium or high-pressure sodium bulbs.
They are more efficient, last longer, and generate less heat.
How does this translate into saving you money?
According to Natural Resources Canada, the energy consumption of LED bulbs is 70% lower than that of traditional bulbs.
Very long life of LED bulbs-
At least 25 times the incandescent lamp. -
Make your savings more.
So even if their purchase costs may increase a bit, this cost is more than their longer service life.
In large commercial or industrial environments where hundreds or even thousands of LED Light module bulbs are used, these savings are rapidly increasing.
In these environments, the lights are usually on all the time, even around the clock, so the potential to save electricity is obvious.
Since they generate a lot less heat than an alternative, the customer also saves the cost of air conditioning.
The LED bulb has a longer service life and brings additional savings to larger customers in terms of significantly reduced maintenance costs.
Instead of having the facility staff spend a lot of time climbing up and down the ladder to replace the burnt bulb, they can focus on other tasks.
Even residential consumers can save money by replacing LED bulbs.
An average of 11% of Canadian household electricity bills are spent on lighting.
Switching to an LED bulb can reduce the lighting portion of the electricity bill to about 3%.
For a typical family, the difference may be $100 to $150 per year.
How much will be saved by switching to LED lighting depends on your situation;
The number and type of bulbs you have, the number of hours you need them per day, and how much you currently spend on maintenance.
To assess your potential savings accurately, please contact Infinitum Energy.
With extensive experience and expertise in LED lighting solutions, they will show you how much you can save by switching to LED. Call them at 1-888-SUN(786)-
3814 or visit their website on LED lighting, with obvious advantages over traditional incandescent lamps, metal halogen lamps and high-pressure sodium or high-pressure sodium bulbs.
They are more efficient, last longer, and generate less heat.
How does this translate into saving you money?
According to Natural Resources Canada, the energy consumption of LED bulbs is 70% lower than that of traditional bulbs.
Very long life of LED bulbs-
At least 25 times the incandescent lamp. -
Make your savings more.
So even if their purchase costs may increase a bit, this cost is more than their longer service life.
In large commercial or industrial environments where hundreds or even thousands of LED Light module bulbs are used, these savings are rapidly increasing.
In these environments, the lights are usually on all the time, even around the clock, so the potential to save electricity is obvious.
Since they generate a lot less heat than an alternative, the customer also saves the cost of air conditioning.
The LED bulb has a longer service life and brings additional savings to larger customers in terms of significantly reduced maintenance costs.
Instead of having the facility staff spend a lot of time climbing up and down the ladder to replace the burnt bulb, they can focus on other tasks.
Even residential consumers can save money by replacing LED bulbs.
An average of 11% of Canadian household electricity bills are spent on lighting.
Switching to an LED bulb can reduce the lighting portion of the electricity bill to about 3%.
For a typical family, the difference may be $100 to $150 per year.
How much will be saved by switching to LED lighting depends on your situation;
The number and type of bulbs you have, the number of hours you need them per day, and how much you currently spend on maintenance.
To assess your potential savings accurately, please contact Infinitum Energy.
With extensive experience and expertise in LED lighting solutions, they will show you how much you can save by switching to LED. Call them at 1-888-SUN(786)-
3814 or visit their website on LED lighting, with obvious advantages over traditional incandescent lamps, metal halogen lamps and high-pressure sodium or high-pressure sodium bulbs.
They are more efficient, last longer, and generate less heat.
How does this translate into saving you money?
According to Natural Resources Canada, the energy consumption of LED bulbs is 70% lower than that of traditional bulbs.
Very long life of LED bulbs-
At least 25 times the incandescent lamp. -
Make your savings more.
So even if their purchase costs may increase a bit, this cost is more than their longer service life.
In large commercial or industrial environments where hundreds or even thousands of LED Light module bulbs are used, these savings are rapidly increasing.
In these environments, the lights are usually on all the time, even around the clock, so the potential to save electricity is obvious.
Since they generate a lot less heat than an alternative, the customer also saves the cost of air conditioning.
The LED bulb has a longer service life and brings additional savings to larger customers in terms of significantly reduced maintenance costs.
Instead of having the facility staff spend a lot of time climbing up and down the ladder to replace the burnt bulb, they can focus on other tasks.
Even residential consumers can save money by replacing LED bulbs.
An average of 11% of Canadian household electricity bills are spent on lighting.
Switching to an LED bulb can reduce the lighting portion of the electricity bill to about 3%.
For a typical family, the difference may be $100 to $150 per year.
How much will be saved by switching to LED lighting depends on your situation;
The number and type of bulbs you have, the number of hours you need them per day, and how much you currently spend on maintenance.
To assess your potential savings accurately, please contact Infinitum Energy.
With extensive experience and expertise in LED lighting solutions, they will show you how much you can save by switching to LED. Call them at 1-888-SUN(786)-
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