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general-purpose led lighting: not quite yet

by:Demo     2020-08-24
Unless incandescents are rapidly upgraded, federal efficiency regulations will begin to make them unpopular on store shelves starting in 2012.
At present, the only feasible quality-
The alternative on the market is compact fluorescent bulbs-or C. F. L. —
Although it saves incalculable energy and costs compared with standard bulbs, it is still struggling with consumer concerns.
At the same time, the maker of light-
So far, light-emitting diode (LED) technology has not reached their goal of creating alternatives to incandescent lamps, but this has not prevented them from trying. -
They seem to be getting closer and closer.
For example, Royal Philips Electronics recently introduced its new main LED lamp to the European market.
The electronics manufacturer said the main LED series combines the advantages of other technologies, including incandescent lamps, halogen lamps and C. F. L.
There are no shortcomings.
The host has three tastes-
All these lights are sold to hotels, bars and similar applications mainly as barrel lights or emphasizing lights.
Only E27 bulbs are described as \"normal\" use.
The advantages of LED over C. F. L. s?
First, they do not contain mercury or emit harmful ultraviolet rays.
The LED will also be turned on immediately, rather than requiring a little ramp. -
The time to reach maximum brightness like a compact fluorescent lamp. And unlike C. F. L.
Yes, the lifetime of LED will not be shortened by frequent switching.
The era of universal LED has long been doomed. As Claudia H.
Two years ago, Deutsch wrote in the New York Times that manufacturers are considering large inventories. -
-emitting diodes or light-emitting diodes.
They use chips made of non-toxic materials for about 50,000 hours, incandescent lamps for 1,000 hours and compact fluorescent lamps for 6,000 hours.
. . . And they are very energy-efficient.
In fact, Philips claims that its main LED lights can last 45,000 hours, saving up to 80% of its energy compared with standard low lights. -
Wattage halogen and incandescent spotlight.
So, what keeps the LED bulb still?
First, there are costs.
Now, consumers can get credit cards. F. L.
It\'s only two dollars.
The price of Philips\'s main LED is significantly higher.
A quick search put it on the website for 30 euros or about 40 dollars. -
Although this may represent a significant cost savings over other bulbs in their lifetime.
The nature of LED Light module is also a problem.
At present, LED is more suitable for spotlights and directional lights than ordinary ones. -
Area lighting associated with incandescent floor lamps.
Even innovative LED bulbs like Master can replace up to 40 watts of incandescent bulbs. -
Or at least that\'s probably the amount of light consumers expect from it.
Considering that household lamps for general use usually use 60, 75 or 100 watts of power, this is not very powerful.
However, it is not entirely fair to compare LED with C. F. L. ’s —
At least not yet.
As Nadarajah Narendran said, he is the research director of the Center for Lighting Research in Troy, North Carolina. Y.
There are technical differences between C. F. L.
But in the final analysis, it depends on the manufacturing process and the quality of finished products.
Even in the same technology, the creation of all products is not equal.
\"Comments are no longer accepted.
It\'s hard to imagine that our current LED Garden lights can be used indoors at night by connecting several lights to the same light fixture and a wire to the external NiCad batery and solar panels, thus saving costs.
This is the simplest, and probably the most cost-effective, use of photovoltaics. It\'s easy to turn on and off lights on a switch, and you can even turn them on during the day, if necessary.
Everyone seems to be fascinated by the fluorescent tube and even wants to put a lamp in it for the night.
If you let them put in some lights as I described above, don\'t buy electricity for them anymore. If there\'s nothing else, LEDs can be used for motion-sensing lights and porch lights, instead of complaining about something that doesn\'t do everything we want, why can\'t we take what we have and make better use of it?
This is another example of finding the perfect people, which we can now use. The American people need it. (
Need is what I said.
Keep in mind that in many cases, not all needs are best met in one way.
Our ancestors acknowledged that their energy needs would be met from a variety of sources, and we are now trying to imagine a world where everything depends on electricity.
A world of electricity generated by solar photovoltaics, windmills, waves or other analogues, although this is an extremely simple energy distribution map, in many ways it is not a good use of green energy.
Why do I use a solar cell to generate 100% DC power and then lose 30% DC power through an inverter to drive lights that can run on DC power, and worse, why do I use photovoltaics to drive an air conditioner? (PV)
In the absence of the first overlap of my house and the addition of appropriate shading, and loft radiation barriers.
This will be a huge waste of expensive green energy.
When I can use solar energy more economically and effectively to avoid the low conversion efficiency of green power generation rather than waiting for the next perfect thing, why should I seek to generate electricity to heat water? Let\'s get busy now and use our brains to realize what we already have. Energy shortage is not a problem. Energy is scarce, but Americans lack the will to know what they can do effectively and do it. This is the ;
Create a place where we can equip our brains and do what I know we can all do.
You mix apples, oranges and light bulbs, and it says, \"General purpose household lamps usually use 60, 75 or 100 watts of power. \"
This is the power consumption of ordinary incandescent bulbs.
Used to compare incandescent lamp with energy saving lamp or light emitting diode-
Based on the bulb, you really should use lumen output, and notice that the latter two types use less power to create their light.
Color rendering, dimming, mercury and other factors still exist.
Lighting - History Story 1
Whale oil was the first to be removed. -
Burning lighting fuel - yes, it\'s a biofuel, but no one recommends it today. 2)
The whales were rescued by an oil worker in Pennsylvania and a professor at Yale University who extracted their oil samples and pointed out kerosene was a good lighting fuel. 3)
So Rockefeller\'s oil empire was built primarily on lighting, not transportation, and he would not succeed without railroad rebates. (
It\'s kind of like today\'s coal. .
Gasoline was worthless at that time. 4)
Then came Thomas Edison and his economic lamp.
However, the big supporters of electricity are not only Rockefeller\'s rivals, but also their products are much better.
To survive, Rockefeller has succeeded in opening up a foreign lighting fuel market, while many rural areas in the United States still rely on standard oil for lighting. 5)
At that time, internal combustion engines were being developed, and inventors found that all kinds of fuels could be used - agricultural ethanol, natural gas, gasoline and kerosene.
The ban destroyed the agricultural ethanol industry, which played a role in the Great Depression. -
The farm lost money to the bank in the 1930s, but it also saved Rockefeller. -
Lead the oil business.
When the ban was abolished, East Texas\'s huge oil discovery ensured that oil would not compete with biofuels.
Now, when we see the depletion of cheap and readily available fossil fuels and the impact of adding so much fossil carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, we are back to the energy concept developed in the early 20th century.
For example, the first-
Hybrid electric vehicle patents were developed and granted in the 1990s-
Egypt developed large-scale solar thermal power projects in the late 19th century and early 20th century.
These are based on 19th century physics, including Faraday. -
Maxwell Electric Power Company.
The latest and most promising energy technology is solar photovoltaic technology, which is closely related to light-emitting diodes, but only reverse, rather than transmitting current through semiconductors. -sandwich-
Based on light generation devices, photovoltaic panels use light to generate current - but at the basic level, advances in LED knowledge are also conducive to solar photovoltaics.
Nuclear and solar technologies are based on physics in the 20th century, especially quantum mechanics.
However, what the widely used solar photovoltaic will do is to eliminate fossil fuels. -
The thermal power industry, which means that the entire energy industry will become a manufacturing and service industry, rather than a commodity trading industry, because solar fuel is free, confuses Wall Street because it means that the ability to manipulate the system by manipulating commodity futures markets will disappear forever.
This is essentially the structure of the nuclear industry that makes and serves reactors, but the story of uranium commodities is the same as that of oil.
For renewable energy, almost the entire industry is based on manufacturing and services - raw materials do work, but it\'s a much smaller industry. With long-lived (non-exotic)
LED, that\'s especially true.
Power companies that want to survive are likely to achieve this goal by purchasing or leasing equipment and selling electricity to consumers, but they have to deal with the intermittent problem of wind by building energy storage and distribution facilities. Large power plants can operate in reverse or forward direction according to circumstances.
This is basically the function of the battery. -the-
Power grid installation - but most people don\'t want to worry about maintaining their own power stations, they prefer to pay for water and electricity to deal with this problem, especially in cities and towns.
I\'m now buying LED lighting at Ace Hardware for $10 per bulb. There are all kinds of bulb styles. They work in all kinds of settings, from track lights to outdoor motion sensor devices. They have \"warm\" colors.
But you mentioned only 40 dollars of European LED lights in your article, which are not yet on the market.
\"45,000 hours, compared with the standard low energy consumption, energy saving rate as high as 80%. -
Wattage halogen and incandescent spotlight.
So, what keeps the LED bulb still?
First, there are costs.
Now, consumers can get credit cards. F. L.
It\'s only two dollars.
The price of Philips\'s main LED is significantly higher.
A quick search positioned it at around 30 euros or 40 dollars.
I bought it much cheaper at the discount store last summer.
For less than $9 per person, I got 1,1. 5, and 7.
I remember it\'s five watts.
Safety is the main feature of these things.
You don\'t have to worry about falling.
A 1-Watt bulb replaces a 20-watt incandescent bulb.
There are 20 LED diodes in it.
I assume that each requires an input voltage of 6 volts. -
Series circuit with total voltage of 120 volts. .
After six months of use, I replaced about a third of the batches.
I think my failure is that 95% of the good LEDs are in series with a failure.
My suggestion is that they put all the LED lights in a parallel circuit and supply power with a 6-volt transformer embedded in the lamp or floor lamp.
With this arrangement, one guy won\'t screw up the other 19 semiconductors. .
This discussion raises the question of why families do not wiring low-voltage appliances and lighting.
Copper-wound core transformer is not expensive, if it is not loaded for a long time, its life is infinite.
It provides 12 volts for some appliances and lights, and 5 volts for other lighting. It also provides typical voltage for most fixed home computers.
Simple revisions to building codes require symbolic provisions-
Voltage wiring may be the beginning of a safe, economic and protective path to the biosphere. For example —a sun-
The dryer exposed to the outside uses sunlight to evaporate the moisture of the fabric after rotation. -
Dry can use a low-speed rotor motor. -
Home wiring voltage.
The process will cut 88% of commercial energy consumption and 99% of utility profits.
Don\'t worry, you\'ll have nine years to sell your stockpile at the nuclear reactor. By then Mr.
Burns can die from radiation.
It\'s just a thought. This is the historical story of how we illuminate the dark side of the earth: 1)
Whale oil was the first to be removed. -
Burning lighting fuel - yes, it\'s a biofuel, but no one recommends it today. 2)
The whales were rescued by an oil worker in Pennsylvania and a professor at Yale University who extracted their oil samples and pointed out kerosene was a good lighting fuel. 3)
So Rockefeller\'s oil empire was built primarily on lighting, not transportation, and he would not succeed without railroad rebates. (
It\'s kind of like today\'s coal. .
Gasoline was worthless at that time. 4)
Then came Thomas Edison and his economic lamp.
However, the big supporters of electricity are not only Rockefeller\'s rivals, but also their products are much better.
To survive, Rockefeller has succeeded in opening up a foreign lighting fuel market, while many rural areas in the United States still rely on standard oil for lighting. 5)
At that time, internal combustion engines were being developed, and inventors found that all kinds of fuels could be used - agricultural ethanol, natural gas, gasoline and kerosene.
The ban destroyed the agricultural ethanol industry, which played a role in the Great Depression. -
The farm lost money to the bank in the 1930s, but it also saved Rockefeller. -
Lead the oil business.
When the ban was abolished, East Texas\'s huge oil discovery ensured that oil would not compete with biofuels.
Now, when we see the depletion of cheap and readily available fossil fuels and the impact of adding so much fossil carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, we are back to the energy concept developed in the early 20th century.
For example, the first-
Hybrid electric vehicle patents were developed and granted in the 1990s-
Egypt developed large-scale solar thermal power projects in the late 19th century and early 20th century.
These are based on 19th century physics, including Faraday. -
Maxwell Electric Power Company.
The latest and most promising energy technology is solar photovoltaic technology, which is closely related to light-emitting diodes, but only reverse, rather than transmitting current through semiconductors. -sandwich-
Based on light generation devices, photovoltaic panels use light to generate current - but at the basic level, advances in LED knowledge are also conducive to solar photovoltaics.
Nuclear and solar technologies are based on physics in the 20th century, especially quantum mechanics.
However, what the widely used solar photovoltaic will do is to eliminate fossil fuels. -
The thermal power industry, which means that the entire energy industry will become a manufacturing and service industry, rather than a commodity trading industry, because solar fuel is free, confuses Wall Street because it means that the ability to manipulate the system by manipulating commodity futures markets will disappear forever.
This is essentially the structure of the nuclear industry that makes and serves reactors, but the story of uranium commodities is the same as that of oil.
For renewable energy, almost the entire industry is based on manufacturing and services - raw materials do work, but it\'s a much smaller industry. With long-lived (non-exotic)
LED, that\'s especially true.
Power companies that want to survive are likely to achieve this goal by purchasing or leasing equipment and selling electricity to consumers, but they have to deal with the intermittent problem of wind by building energy storage and distribution facilities. Large power plants can operate in reverse or forward direction according to circumstances.
This is basically the function of the battery. -the-
Power grid installation - but most people don\'t want to worry about maintaining their own power stations, they prefer to pay for water and electricity to deal with this problem, especially in cities and towns.
Yes, but it\'s developing very fast.
Also from the Netherlands, led by Farox-
Lemnis Lighting\'s lamp was recently awarded by the World Economic Forum.
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