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Do you know the four main accessories of LED full-color screens?

by:Demo     2021-07-16
The LED full-color screen is assembled from many accessories. The following editor will analyze the four main parts of the LED full-color screen for you.

A. Power supply for full-color LED display:

The power supply has also been affected by the rapid increase in the LED industry, which has increased the sales of power supplies. The stability and performance of the power supply determine the performance of the display, and the power supply equipped with various models is also particular. The power required by the led display is calculated according to the power of the unit board, and the requirements of various models are different.

B. The cabinet of Tianjin LED full-color screen:

The box body is based on the size, multiple unit boards form a box body, and multiple boxes are assembled into a screen. The cabinet is professionally built, with simple cabinets and waterproof cabinets. The rapid development of the LED industry has also saturated the orders for manufacturers of full-color LED display cabinets almost every month, which has driven the development and prospects of manufacturers of cabinets.

C, LED indoor screen and LED outdoor screen module:

The LED module is composed of a kit, a bottom case, a mask, etc. The full-color LED display is composed of LED modules one by one, which is the full-color LED large screen we see now.

D, led display screen control system:

The control system is an important part of the full-color LED display. The video transmission is transmitted to the receiving card of the full-color LED display via the sending card and graphics card, and then the signal is transmitted to the HUB board by the receiving card in segments: Install an adapter board (generally called a HUB board) on the receiving card. The receiving card transmits the data to the adapter board, and then the data on the adapter board is transmitted to the single row or single column of the display box through the cable. On the full-color LED display module, the data is also connected between the LED module and the LED module through a flat cable. Generally, an adapter board has only 8 sockets, which means that an adapter board can only manage 8 rows or 8 columns. Transmission of LED module data.

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