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Do you know the advantages of scrolling advertising on led electronic advertising screens?

by:Demo     2021-07-13
It is a very common practice for outdoor LED advertising screens to use rolling publicity to promote brand products. Because outdoor LED electronic advertising screens have a large area and attractive pictures, coupled with rolling publicity and repeated rotation, it can Create a strong appeal to consumers, thereby effectively conveying brand information to the majority of people. So do you know the advantages of scrolling advertising on led electronic advertising screens?

Advantages of rolling publicity of led electronic advertising screen:

1. The interactive technology of LED swipe screen: it can enhance the interaction between the swipe screen as an advertising medium and the advertising audience, such as customizing the touch screen and realizing cloud technology broadcast control management.

2. Display effect: The high brightness, wide viewing angle and good color reproduction ability of LED display are also better than LCD screen. LED swipe screens are generally used in airports, shopping malls, hotels, high-speed railways, subways, cinemas, exhibitions, office buildings, etc. The target customers have strong consumption power and have huge advertising value.

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