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damage to homes, but no deaths reported, in 7.1 magnitude california earthquake

by:Demo     2020-08-17
The 7.
Officials say a magnitude 1 earthquake in Southern California on Friday night tilted buildings from the foundation, putting residents in danger, without causing any death or significant damage.
In less than two days, a second major earthquake struck California, in the Mojave Desert town, about 125 miles northeast of Los Angeles.
The same area was shocked by a magnitude 6 earthquake.
On the morning of July 4, the biggest earthquake in nearly 20 years occurred.
\"God\'s grace, we have no casualties, we have only suffered minor injuries,\" said Jed McLoughlin, director of the Ridgecrest Police Department.
He said, \"given the two major earthquakes we have experienced, this result is surprising.
The earthquake on Friday night was 10 times larger than the one on July 4, economists say.
According to the crowd, the places in Phoenix, Las Vegas, Lower California and Reno all felt shaken --
Data from the United StatesS.
Geological Survey.
Overnight, the electricity and communications in the town of ridrest rest and nearby Trona were cut off.
Some buildings have suffered significant damage, but the level of damage is not yet clear.
The earthquake caused several gas leaks and four fires, destroying several mobile houses.
Most injuries, medical staff say, are bruises and bruises.
\"We were very lucky there and glad there was nothing worse,\" said Mark gildouch, director of the California governor\'s emergency services office . \".
Smoke-damaged foundations, drooping walls and furniture from nearby fires will crush some residents who are already worried about repairing humble houses.
76-year-old Kathy Van Der Hoven was upset after putting a yellow label on Ridgecrest\'s mobile home.
The house has been transferred on its basis, pulling more than 1 feet kilometers from its original location.
She knew that she would have to leave with two cats, which snuggle together.
She is ready to pack clothes, food and other supplies and live with her best friend in 47 years.
But Van Der Hoven says she doesn\'t know what she\'s going to do in the long run.
\"This place is paid,\" Van Der Hoven said . \".
\"I\'m too old to start over.
Los Angeles is more than 100 miles south of the epicenter, and there are no preliminary reports of major damage to buildings or other infrastructure.
The violent shaking left residents of Trona and Ridgecrest running outside as the lamps shook and books, bottles and pans smashed on the floor.
Some people spend the night in the car or in the camping car. Others fled.
\"My child has been asking me what to do,\" said 60-year-old Ronnie tobbert . \" He crossed her Trona home with a flashlight before sunrise on Saturday.
\"I don\'t know, I said.
Tobbert said she raised 11 children at her 32-year-old home.
Her fireplace collapsed and bricks were scattered on the living room floor.
The ceiling of a room fell and the windows broke.
The floor was filled with magazines, books, bottles and food.
About 8: 20 after the earthquake. m.
Topett and her husband pulled the mattress to the front yard to try to sleep.
Her daughter was resting on a truck parked on the street.
Her grandson and his friends lay on the mattress across the road.
Frequent aftershocks and continued anxiety about the imminent occurrence of another earthquake prevented people from resting.
There are about 1,900 people in Trona, and many residents sleep on the streets of Camper, or in the front yard on the mattress.
Temperatures could reach 100 degrees in the next few days, with gusts of up to 35 miles per hour.
Officials warned against sleeping outside long hours in high deserts without water or air conditioning and urged families to ensure a stable supply of water, food and fuel.
Residents of the Selle Valley have not felt such a big earthquake for 20 years. A 5. 8-
On 1995, a special earthquake occurred in rickeares city, about 30,000 people. A 7.
On 1999, an earthquake struck 100 miles southeast.
Egill Hauksson, a seismological scientist at the California Institute of Technology, said that the high desert area has experienced so many earthquakes that it is called the earthquake capital of the world.
\"The area is very active and has been very active since we have records,\" Hauksson said Saturday . \".
Officials said Saturday that two consecutive earthquakes this week could make it easier for houses to collapse in the remaining epicenter.
The first aftershock of the Friday night earthquake was registered as level 5. 5 magnitude.
\"It may not be the 7 th.
Could be lower next time-
As a result, there may be more damage due to the weakening of the structure, \"Kern County Fire Chief David Witt said at a press conference on Saturday morning.
\"We need to be vigilant.
\"At the time of the earthquake, Ninfa Cazares, 32, and her five children lived with their dogs at home in the home of ridgcorester.
They rushed outside, she said, just watching their house almost collapse by themselves.
The family spent the night at the Red Cross shelter in the center of Ridgecrest, but are considering taking the RV to the desert for camping.
They are all afraid of another aftershock, she said.
\"I don\'t know what to do,\" Cazares said in Spanish . \".
\"Our whole house has collapsed.
We can\'t live there.
\"The probability of a 6.
The magnitude 0 or larger earthquake next week is 27%, says Hauksson.
The probability of a 7.
The level 0 or above that occurs in the next 7 days is 3%, down from 6% on Friday.
After the sun rose on Saturday, construction inspectors, with the help of aircraft and unmanned aircraft using thermal imaging software, launched an investigation in Ridgecrest and Trona to assess the damage.
Rock slides and cracks temporarily closed parts of National Highway 178 and National Highway 127 and 190.
A spokeswoman said Caltrans staff worked all night and opened some lanes on all routes by Saturday morning.
She warned the driver to be careful that the road was uneven.
Matt Warren said that on Friday night, after more than 30 seconds of intense shaking, the driver raced to leave ridrest rest instead of stopping in front of the parking sign, A mine chief lives on West Dolphin Avenue with his wife and Labrador hound Halley.
The couple has lived in Ridgecrest for 20 years, but says it\'s time to leave the town where many residents are mining or working for the army.
Ford and Chevrolet trucks and leisure cars are parked on the streets dotted with singlesfamily homes.
\"We always wanted to leave here anyway,\" he asked . \".
\"It\'s time now.
Fire officials said: \"The number of people without electricity at Ridgecrest dropped from about 3,000 on Friday night to 55 on Saturday morning.
The earthquake caused further damage to the United States. S.
Naval aviation weapons station weapons testing facilities outside China Lake Ridgecrest, although details were rare early on Saturday. The 1. 1-million-
The acre facility is the largest in the Navy, larger than Rhode Island.
The naval base said on its Facebook page that the facility was \"unable to perform the mission until further notice \".
However, officials said the security agreement was \"still in effect.
\"When the governor, Lori Churchill, her friend Michelle Hewitt, and neighbor James Combs sat under a tarp in a yard in Trousdale Estates, Trousdale Estates
Gavin Newson arrived Saturday afternoon with other state and local officials as part of an earthquake-damaged tour of the community.
The park was seriously affected by the earthquake, and several mobile houses were labeled red, marking that they were not suitable for living.
The gas has been shut down due to the leak.
Most residents, even those homes, are not red.
They told the governor that they slept in the car the night before.
\"It\'s terrible, everyone is very scared,\" Hewitt said . \" He visited Churchill during the first big earthquake and stayed to help her friends.
When Newsom asked them if they had water, Hewitt replied that they had it.
But she is worried about safety.
\"I don\'t know if we can trust water,\" she said . \".
Newson asked where they would sleep that night.
\"I don\'t know,\" Churchill said . \"
Newsom mentioned the nearby Red Cross sanctuary.
Later, at the suggestion of comb, the governors took selfies with each of them.
\"Good luck tonight,\" Newsom said before leaving . \".
After he left, Churchill explained that she was wearing the same blue pajamas that she had been wearing for two days --
She only slept \"one hour, one hour\" during that time \".
Her cell phone is not red at home-
Marked but damaged inside.
The possibility of frequent aftershocks and another major earthquake made her feel scared.
\"It\'s not out of its base, but I don\'t know what\'s going to happen if another click,\" Churchill said . \".
\"I\'m walking around like a zombie,\" she said . \".
She did not go to the Red Cross sanctuary because she was as worried as her own home that the sanctuary had collapsed in the earthquake.
\"They are waiting for the arrival of another earthquake,\" she said . \".
\"If it comes, what does it matter if you\'re in the Red Cross?
When asked what the governor\'s visit meant to her, she said: \"It\'s good, but I don\'t have any illusions about anything.
This is an earthquake.
It\'s not something he can control.
Her friend Hewitt said that even if the governor could not stop another earthquake, she hoped he would get their help.
\"I hope he can feel everything he sees here,\" Hewitt said . \".
\"We need hope.
\"Friday\'s earthquake happened on the same fault system as Thursday\'s earthquake 6.
The temblor is more than 8 miles deep, says Hauksson.
The fault line is now about 30 miles long, he said.
On July 4, the earthquake broke 20 miles north. 4 earthquake.
If the energy of the earthquake moves south, he said, \"it is more likely to cause damage to Palmdale or a place closer to downtown Los Angeles\"A.
Hauksson said: \"Given the size of the previous earthquake, Los Angeles may still feel some vibration in the coming week.
The probability of one or two level 6 is about 20%.
In the coming week, he said, the earthquake was bigger or bigger.
Lucie Jones, a California Institute of Technology seismological scientist, said she could not remember the pattern of a magnitude 6 earthquake in California.
After the 4 th earthquake is 7.
Only a bigger earthquake will happen.
But it doesn\'t mean it can\'t happen, she warns.
\"It\'s obviously a very dynamic sequence, so there\'s no reason to think we can\'t have more big earthquakes,\" she said . \".
Newsom announced a state of emergency in San Bernardino County on Saturday morning, after Kern County also announced a state of emergency on July 4. The back-to-
The earthquake destroyed the activities and plans of many people throughout the region.
The First Baptist Church in the telonsell Valley is scheduled to celebrate its 65 th anniversary on Sunday, including a barbecue and a guest sermon.
But Pastor Larry Cox put the plans on hold.
Most of his congregation left after two earthquakes, which caused serious damage in the small town on the edge of the Death Valley.
\"They just had two major earthquakes, so they said, \'We will be with our families for a few days, \'\" Cox said \'. \" He led the First Baptist Church for 16 years.
There is no structural damage to the First Baptist sanctuary or fellowship hall.
But they were destroyed.
The priest said that the glass of the sanctuary was broken and the water pipe was broken. \"Everything was off the shelf . \".
\"The Office of the church is a mess.
\"What\'s worse is the fellowship hall: the roof collapsed and the water was damaged.
The parking lot is full of cracks.
Total losses are currently estimated at $3,000.
\"The church building was badly damaged,\" officials wrote on Facebook on Saturday . \" Photos of damaged church buildings are also attached.
\"But we thank God because everyone is good.
We were thinking today how grateful we were for the first earthquake that happened in July 4, so the family went home together.
God is full of grace.
\"The Congregation of the First Baptist Church is still focused on helping the rest of Trona.
Cox said the men in the church went door-to-door to register \"widows and closed doors --ins.
\"On Facebook, the church lets residents know it has water.
They have already distributed 300 boxes of water and 300 boxes of water to be distributed --
Cox expects more residents to come later on Saturday.
\"It\'s very hot today,\" said Simi Valley native . \" (
The temperature in the area reached 102 degrees on Saturday).
\"People are not really going out now.
But then they will grab their water and go back to their home.
Cox still plans to hold an anniversary ceremony for the first Baptist on Sunday morning, although the service will be shortened.
Regarding his planned sermon, he said: \"I want to talk about comfort in times of fear . \".
\"What do you do when you have fear in your heart?
He says he usually has 100 people on a routine Sunday morning service.
He is about 30 years old.
Just before the earthquake on Friday night, a singer attacked rock and roll on an open mic night in Ridgecrest USO --and-
Scroll through the classic \"The Whole Lotta Shakin goes on.
Julie Pryor, 74, told the singer outside the building that his special effects were great.
He replied, \"I won\'t play that song anymore.
In Los Angeles, shaking interrupted a lively evening at restaurants, theaters and museums.
At Dodge stadium, when Enrique Hernández faced Eric Lauer, a pitcher for the San Diego Padres, the earthquake took place at the bottom of the fourth inning.
No vibration was noticed.
\"How did they continue playing baseball? ” Dodgers play-by-
Announcer Joe Davis wants to know.
As the shaking gradually weakened, Dieter luller, the organ player at Dodge stadium, began playing Carol King\'s 1971 classic track, \"I feel the earth is moving. \"
At the Ahmanson Theater, when the stage lights began to swing and the text projected onto the set was blurry, the drama \"indecent\" was being staged.
The actor was then ordered from the set.
The crew stayed under the stage for about 15 minutes.
A voice behind the stage said, \"Forgive us, we are from New York . \"
When the actors came back, they shouted, \"Welcome to California!
Times staff writer Gustavo areano, Phil Weilong, Alexa Dias, Anita chambria, SEMA Mehta
Koblin II, Deborah neborn, Piper McDaniel, Jorge Castillo, Rosana Xia, Reuben vis
Velarde contributed to this report.
Noon: The story has been updated with an assessment of future earthquake risk and damage reports. 2:15 p. m.
: More information has been updated on this story.
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