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behind the looking glass: grocers are adding doors, led lighting and other energy-saving features to refrigerated cases.

by:Demo     2020-09-05
At home, the consumer closes the door and puts yogurt, milk and cheese in the refrigerator.
More and more grocery stores find it meaningful to do so in stores for a variety of reasons, including saving energy and ensuring food quality and safety.
So many retailers are adding doors to their media --
Temperature of milk, deli and beverage box. [
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\"Today, consumers are very picky about food safety,\" says Carl Peterson, marketing and advertising manager at zero zone.
Wis, a northern grassland. -
Manufacturers of refrigerated display cabinets and refrigerated systems.
\"Media reports of Widodo, salmonella and E. Coli have emerged one after another.
E. Coli and other diseases caused by improper food handling, processing and cold storage make them very concerned about the products they choose in the supermarket.
\"According to the company\'s shopper survey, consumers have more confidence in buying refrigerated and frozen food displayed behind glass doors.
\"They told us that a glass door refrigerator reminds them of the refrigerator at home.
They say they think the food is fresher, colder and safer because it is treated less frequently than the food displayed in the open air, where shoppers and their children move around
Hussmann, a manufacturer of refrigeration equipment, offers Konen doors.
These will reduce cooling energy consumption by up to 65% and provide maximum product visibility for the best sales and sales opportunities, said Cheryl Beach, marketing communications manager in Bridgeton, Missouri. -based company.
The door is available on the new case and can be modified for the existing case.
Although there was some resistance initially, Beach said the door to the supermarket cooler box became more and more common.
There are some [retailer]
\"Initially people were worried that the door would get in the way of impulse, but we didn\'t see that,\" she said . \".
S. r fats officials recently announced that the company is expanding its production in the United States to meet growing demand.
\"The demand for glass doors in North America is indeed increasing, and we see an increasing interest in medium-sized doors
\"Temperature case,\" said Matt lekel, managing director of Ind Elkhart. -
Based on the manufacturer.
The company is rolling out the curve XL, which can be installed in a short time
Deck case for different size shelves.
\"These types of shells are very popular, especially for end caps, but they do not conduct electricity on a straight glass piece,\" said product manager Rick Waldron . \".
With increased attention to the new energy sector (DOE)
Standards and regulations designed to improve the energy efficiency of all commercial refrigeration equipment, the core of innovation is to create more ecological environment
Whether it\'s adding doors to traditional open cases or identifying more energy, being friendly is easy --
Industry watchers say efficient lighting. [
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The new Energy Department standard, known as the final rule for commercial refrigeration equipment, came into effect at the beginning of this year.
The rule aims to reduce future energy consumption of commercial refrigerated food and frozen commodity dealers, and sets new standards for energy efficiency equipment specifications for products manufactured or imported to the United StatesS.
Retailers should see, observers say
It will soon be known that the use of equipment that meets these new specifications will reduce energy costs.
\"In identifying ways to help supermarkets run their energy, refrigeration equipment manufacturers must stay ahead
\"Operate efficiently,\" said Michelle Clark, North American marketing communications manager, Columbus, Georgia. -
Worldwide refrigeration.
\"With our Kysor/Warren branded refrigeration case, we focus on enhancing energy
Over the past few years, our Stratus collection of merchandise display boxes have achieved high efficiency in medium and low temperature applications.
As retailers continue to focus on creating more energy,
For their store, we may see a continuing growth trend of putting more items behind the door ---
Not only for frozen food applications, but also for medium temperature applications.
More and more energy use
Efficient refrigeration equipment will only grow in the future, because for supermarkets, it has a positive impact on the profits of retailers.
Observers say there are some unexpected forms of energy conservation.
\"When our Crystal Merchant lineup was chosen to replace the open aircases, significant savings were also achieved on the system side,\" Petersen said . \".
\"The number of compressors has been reduced, the horsepower requirements have been greatly reduced, the condenser size has been reduced, the physical length of the refrigeration rack has been shortened, and the overall cost of the refrigeration system itself has been significantly reduced. [
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Petersen says there is a small shop for a customer. -
Sales area of approximately 14,000 square feet-
Thanks to the choice of crystal merchants, $9,500 was saved on rackequip alone.
He said this does not include other savings from the installation of the asmaller refrigeration system.
\"Similarly, large supermarkets are saving money exponentially,\" he added . \"
While energy efficiency has always been at the topof-
Food vendors and manufacturers have also been looking for improvements in the past few years.
Clark said the display products \"as always, retailers are looking for enhanced goods in their refrigeration equipment, which allows them to store more food with higher capacity and visibility \".
\"However, a key feature of any quality refrigeration device is the ability to combine enhanced merchandising with energy efficiency.
Any refrigeration manufacturer that aims to provide solutions to customers should help supermarkets store more goods with less energy.
\"Zero Zone\'s crystal merchants offer more than 35% product faces and more than 25% packages --
In afooprint, the output and animal energy of 84% are reduced, which can be reduced by up to 7-
The aisle is an inch wide, Peterson said.
In addition, the bright 6-
Foot LED lighting, spacious 74-
He said: \"The inch coolviewdoor and the narrow vertical box attract shoppers to pay attention to the fresh choice of internal products, while the case shows these products gracefully without causing them to have their own[
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Using cases that can be moved around the store to optimize sales opportunities is another trend, said Howell Feig, sales director, AHT cooling systems, US, plug-in supplier
Refrigerators and Freezers in Hanahan, United States of AmericaC.
\"Our solutions can be tailored to customer needs and focused on cost savings, highquality;
Minimum heat emission, low sound, high quality food and excellent product display. \" he says.
The products offered by AHT include Paris wide island, Athens jumboisland, Malta store-
Around the narrow boxes of models and Manhattan Island. TheU. S.
The department will soon launch the Vento line, a plug-in
More in modular refrigerationdeck case.
\"Lb enables retailers to showcase more products, and Hussmann is one of the case manufacturers who are reconfiguring devices to maximize space.
\"Our freedom route --
\"The Cooler is higher so that more products can be displayed without increasing the footprint,\" Beach said . \".
Another trend in case lighting, observers say, is the shift to LED lighting, which can reduce maintenance costs, reduce energy consumption and enhance product attractiveness.
\"We \'ve seen a huge improvement in color consistency and led chip quality,\" said Brian Warner, vice president of sales at Bryan a Largo Holdings Aled. -
Manufacturer of LED lighting products.
He said people are very interested in the level, open ledair mid-
Temperature box.
\"We think this isand-
\"Future areas of led,\" Warner said . \".
The case of the refrigerator continues to be strong.
We see that the new building is almost entirely built with LEDs, and most grocers have started to renovate and at least have done some shops.
No one is really behind.
\"Since horizontal cases typically contain fresh food, a uniform and bright light can have a positive impact on purchasing decisions.
The immersive RH2O LED LED Light module for GE Lighting solutions based in East Cleveland, Ohio is designed to pass through 80-
Eric Stevenson, general manager of the manufacturer\'s dedicated lighting company, said the color rendering index.
In order to attract customers\' attention to specific products, the adjustable clip allows retailers to rotate LED lamps and lanterns to direct light to selected products, said Lie. Hy-
Vee, Des Moines west, Iowa-
Headquartered in eight states in the Midwest, the grocery store with 235 stores is one of the retailers that has benefited from its case.
According to Hussmann officials, the company is in the Midwest-
Vee stores save more than 3,700,000 KW of their energy each year, offering retailers more than $473,000 in rebates for utility companies.
Hussmannofficals added that the average return on eco-lighting LED upgrades is 1. 8 years.
Hussmann also manages Hy\'s rebate process
Vee, negotiate with utilities, complete the necessary paperwork, fill out the energy saving documents, and provide materials for the store to explain the LED energy saving benefits to customers.
Jon Scanlan, director of refrigeration and energy management for retailers, said: \"I know that our local utilities have allocated funds for energy efficiency upgrades, but we need a supplier partner to help make this happen
Nualight, Cork, Ireland-
LED lighting manufacturers based in the United StatesS.
In Charlotte\'s office. C.
It offers Vivance and Perfinolighting technologies from retailers.
Sainsbury\'s, London
Headquarters retailers who have recently partnered with Nualight are using LED technologyand medium-
Temperature professional case for all new stores.
Nualight officials say LED lighting is expected to reduce lighting
Sainsbury\'s 70% inlow on energy consumption-
Temperature is 40% at medium temperature
Temperature box.
Nualight LED lighting is also under maintenance, the official added
Free of charge, 50,000 hours of service life, further improving its sustainability and cost
Save credentials. [
Slightly] Illustrations
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