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Inventory of some of the problems faced by LED outdoor large screens

by:Demo     2021-06-28
What are the problems facing LED outdoor large screens? Today, the editor will take an inventory with you and summarize some of the problems faced by outdoor LED displays.

1. Urban 'psoriasis' caused by aging

With urban development and planning changes caused by the process of urbanization, some LED display screens that have been installed earlier can no longer adapt to the latest planning and construction. In addition to the longevity, the phenomenon of flower screens and 'caterpillars' will often appear during operation. Such adverse reactions not only affect the viewing and publicity effects, but also have a negative impact on the urban environment. Therefore, this kind of urban 'psoriasis' is often the first batch of targets to be cleaned up and rectified.

2. Spontaneous ignition risk of LED screens

For a long time, the safety issues of outdoor LED displays have been related to the rapid expansion of the outdoor LED display market in the early days. The causes of accidents can be summed up as 'natural disasters' and 'man-made disasters'. The former belongs to long-term disrepair and line aging and short circuit caused by negligence in management; the latter is a hidden safety hazard caused by man-made in order to save costs.

3. The hidden dangers of mobility

In second- and third-tier cities, LED advertising vehicles are often seen. In order to cover the widest possible range of publicity, some manufacturers often choose to transform the vehicles into LEDs by privately loading LED displays and amplifiers for vehicles. Advertising car. According to relevant laws and regulations, without the approval of relevant departments, no unit or individual may use the body of traffic vehicles (except buses) to set up advertisements or use electronic screens, stereos, etc. to play outdoor advertisements. Once investigated and dealt with, they will face dismantling. Penalties such as billboards or fines. However, this kind of privately modified advertising vehicle has not been approved by the relevant department. It often pursues volume and brightness one-sidedly for publicity. In addition, it drives slowly on the road during peak hours for publicity needs, so it is very easy to bring big roads. Hidden traffic hazards.

4. pollution

As early as the 1930s, the international astronomy community put forward the concept of LED Light module pollution, but light pollution has only been paid attention to in recent years. However, more and more outdoor LED advertising displays in cities have inevitably become one of the manufacturers of LED Light module pollution. In addition, in order to meet the market demand, some LED practitioners unilaterally pursue high brightness or use high brightness light sources to cover The defects of the product have aggravated the severity of LED Light module pollution to a certain extent.

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