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What should I do if the image cannot be loaded on the LED display?

by:Demo     2021-07-14
LED display screens often fail to load images. In this situation, Shenzhen Liansen Optoelectronics will tell you how to eliminate the black screen of LED display screens and help you solve some minor troubles.

1. Check whether the jumper cap is loose or fall off; if the jumper cap is not loose, please make sure that the direction of the jumper cap is correct.

2. Check and confirm that the serial cable used to connect to the controller is a straight-through cable, not a crossover cable.

3. Check and confirm that the serial port cable is intact and there is no looseness or fall off at both ends.

4. Compare the LED display control software and the control card you choose to choose the correct product model, correct transmission method, correct serial port number, correct baud rate, and compare the dial code switch diagram provided in the software to the correct Set the address bit and baud rate on the hardware of the control system.

5. Make sure that the control system hardware has been powered on correctly. (+5V)

6. If it still fails to load after the above inspection and calibration, please use a multimeter to measure whether the serial port of the connected computer or control system hardware is damaged. To confirm whether it should be returned to the computer manufacturer or the control system hardware for testing.

In many cases, the reason for the black screen of the LED display is caused by improper operation during use. Of course, it is also caused by the LED display itself, but the probability is relatively small.

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