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chinese led lighting manufacturer setting up shop in airport city

by:Demo     2020-09-10
The Edmonton Box-based company will act as the latest tenant in the Airport City, Edmonton International Airport (EIA)
Announced on Wednesday.
Steve Lew: \"We made this investment in multiple venues in North America and determined that the Edmonton metro area and EIA are the perfect choice for our North American home, \"The executive director of China plant box company said at a press conference.
Box, established as Sinnoinnovo Tech in 2011, will lease warehouse space in Airport City (development zone around airport) for its main manufacturing center in North America.
The airport will also be the logistics center of the company, which has signed an agreement with the EIA.
The Plant Box will target the cannabis industry to sell to commercial businesses and academic institutions in North America specializing in indoor Plant growth.
Myron Keehn, vice president of EIA, said: \"This is a perfect example of how the airport city works
President of aviation services and business development.
\"The plant box will import materials and manufacturing technology, which will increase the production of agricultural products exported in North America.
\"The company chose Edmonton because it has a major airport in the northernmost part of North America, which operates 24/7 kilometers and can travel directly to and from the Asian market.
Malcolm Bruce, CEO of Edmonton Global, the Edmonton Metropolitan regional economic development organization, said: \"We welcome the contribution of Plant Box to communities seeking healthy and reliable food production methods . \".
\"The global linkages that will be developed in this project will further strengthen our already impressive regional logistics and manufacturing sector and will create jobs in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region.
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