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alzheimer\'s disease: could led light work as treatment?

by:Demo     2020-07-31
They reported on Wednesday that scientists used flashing LED lights in the brains of mice to narrow down Beta-starch plaques associated with human Alzheimer\'s disease.
Although it is too early to say whether this can be translated into more
The team said this weak disease needs treatment, which does provide a promising path for further research-
Some of them set up a company to do this.
Li said: \"This is a big if\'
Cai Huiqing of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
The author of the study. Li-
Cai Huiqing of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
The author of the study. Li-
Cai Huiqing of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
The author of the study.
\"But if the human response to this treatment is similar to that of mice, I would say that the potential is huge because it is right and wrong.
It\'s easy to get invaded.
She stressed that many therapies found in mice in the past have failed in humans.
External experts also echoed her warning that the findings were \"likely\" interesting.
This therapy is believed to work by inducing brain waves that are believed to have become dysfunctional in Alzheimer\'s patients.
It involves exposing mice to flashing led lights in an attempt to influence the electrical activity of the brain.
After an hour of stimulation, they said, the researchers found that beta-starch levels in the hippocampus decreased by 40-50%, and that the hippocampus is part of the brain that is considered to have memory.
After a week of treatment, plaque and free
The team said in a statement that the floating starch-like protein was \"significantly reduced \".
According to the World Health Organization, dementia affects 47 people.
5 million people worldwide-with 7.
7 million new cases are added each year.
Alzheimer\'s disease is the most common cause leading to 60-
70% of dementia cases
The disease usually develops from forgetting and absence.
As patients do not know the time and place, their thoughts about the loss of primary memory and almost complete dependence.
Alzheimer\'s disease was first discovered more than 100 years ago, but there is still no effective treatment. Scientists disagree about its cause ---
Including the role of beta-starch plaque.
Not all people with plaques suffer from Alzheimer\'s disease.
Doug Brown said the study \"is likely to give us a spark of new research pathways to further explore the relationship between the rhythm of brain electrical activity and Alzheimer\'s disease \", research director of the Alzheimer\'s Association, a British charity.
\"Unfortunately, it is not entirely clear what caused these rhythms to be disrupted or whether these findings would benefit people.
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