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africa\'s \'light bulb moment\' and its lead role in the global renewable energy transformation

by:Demo     2020-09-04
0. 9 billion people in Africa use less energy than 47 million in Spain. In sub-
0. 621 billion people in sub-Saharan Africa do not have electricity.
600,000 Africans per year-
Half a child. -
Died from household air pollution caused by the fuelwood and charcoal used for cooking.
Africa\'s lack of clean and cheap energy is a scandal.
Africa\'s poorest families cost $10 per kilowatt.
Lighting time.
Average cost of the same 1 KW
The electricity bill for one hour is $0.
12 in the United States, $0.
In England.
African governments have long subsidized inefficient and often corrupt energy utilities.
The carbon emissions path followed by developed countries.
This leaves costs high and fails to extend the benefits of electrified beyond the city center.
But Africa\'s energy deficit is not just a scandal.
It also offers a huge opportunity, an opportunity to offer a triple dividend ---
Reduce poverty in Africa, promote economic prosperity and maintain the sustainability of our planet.
Africa has the opportunity to lead the world and move towards a fully renewable energy base, just as the continent has crossed from fixed energy
Direct to the line phone for mobile communication.
What does this opportunity look like?
The African Progress group, which we are all members of, has put forward a vision in its latest report, power, people, Earth: seizing energy and climate opportunities in Africa.
For example, in a continent bathed in the sun, if families buy new, efficient home solar kits, they can use clean, sustainable power to power LED bulbs, fans, and TVs, charge the phone.
Today, the initial $200 cost of solar components is an obstacle for the poor.
But there\'s a chance here.
Costs are falling rapidly, and families can now pay off their solar kits at 25 cents a day through a credit structure that collects funds through mobile payments.
Access to clean energy is a way out of poverty for hundreds of millions of Africans.
It provides economic opportunities to educate people and reduce the pollution of diseases. health --
Create the first dividend: make poverty a faster path in history.
Millions of energy has been cut off.
The average African poor is worth $10 billion a year.
Imagine the opportunities of market expansion and democracy.
Electricity promotes economic development, which means that investment is rewarded quickly.
This represents a second bonus: a return that is attractive to both public and private investors.
African governments, while increasing their energy supply, have a vital role to play in turning to renewable energy.
They currently spend about $21 billion a year subsidizing energy utilities and fossil fuels. based products.
By turning the money low
In terms of carbon investment, they can start filling Africa\'s energy financing gap, which we estimate will reach $55 billion a year.
The international community can also play an important role in narrowing this gap.
In December, world leaders will gather in Paris to work together to reach a global agreement to avoid serious and dangerous climate chaos.
A deal to limit global warming above the top 2 degrees Celsius has a huge stake in Africa
Industrial level.
Without such an agreement, many of the sustainable development goals agreed by the United Nations General Assembly in September could not be achieved.
The region has suffered the most from climate change.
The decline in drought, floods, storms, disease and crop production has the potential to destroy decades of development gains.
However, Africa has done the least to combat climate change.
Climate finance is crucial to reaching an agreement in Paris.
When G20 leaders meet in Turkey in November, they must set a clear timetable for raising the already agreed $100 billion climate financing each year.
We also called on B20--
Bring together business leaders from G20 economies-
Explain how the private sector can contribute and benefit from climate finance.
Part of the money should be used to narrow the energy financing gap in Africa and to help power Africa as a whole with clean and sustainable energy.
Governments and development partners should invest and help private and public investors to spend another $35 billion on building reliable utilities and increasing electricity generation.
Strengthen the transmission network and connect families and enterprises.
This, in turn, will expand the customer base for future growth and taxes.
This investment will help the continent\'s fast-growing economies grow faster.
But most importantly, it does so in a way that protects the climate.
By using clean energy and pushing low
The Carbon Revolution in Africa can help us achieve sustainable global economic growth on a global scale and within limits.
This is the third dividend of clean energy in Africa: a path of development that is conducive to the environment, on which prosperity is consistent with nature, not confrontation.
This is the \"LED Light module bulb\" moment in Africa. -
Such bulbs must be powered by renewable clean energy and funded through smart investments and policies, bringing three times more dividends not only to Africans but also to the planet as a whole. Mr.
Geldof is a musician, businessman, founder and founder. Mr.
Wireless, founder and chairman of the Masiyiwa ecosystem.
Both are members of the African progress team.
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